Have you ever admired the bumps or bulges growing from a tree trunk and wondered whether they were hurting the tree? The good news is that experts can’t find any evidence that a tree burl has any detrimental effect on the tree. What is a burl? What causes burls on trees? Read on to get more information on burls. What is a Burl? If you are wondering about tree burls, the best way to define them is as bumps, swellings, or bulges that grow on or from the trunk of a tree. Tree burls are not always smooth. The burl of a tree can be bumpy with a cauliflower texture, or it can appear in a donut shape, circling the base of a branch. The interior burl wood forms swirls that are particularly lovely. They are sought after by woodworkers. Don’t mistake a burl for a gall. These are two […]
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