When you grow pearlbush, you are adding a flourish of rare beauty to your garden. With its brilliant white flowers, this shrubs makes a beautiful plant for a border or hedge. Common pearlbush (Exochorda racemosa) is known for its dazzling display of bright white flowers in early spring. These flowers blossom from pearl-shaped buds which gives this shrub its name. Grown with care, this is one of the best flowering shrubs you can grow. It is rarely bothered by pests and diseases. Furthermore, if you grow dwarf cultivars, it is very manageable in a small yard. Quick Pearlbush Facts: How To Grow Pearlbush Common pearlbush forms a rounded shape, so it is suitable for a foundation, hedge or shrub border. If you need bright white flowering shrubs that make a statement, pearlbush works well in more ornamental borders. Pearlbush is native to China and is a member of the rose […]
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