Growing a peach tree from seed can be a fascinating project but, in the UK, you are unlikely to grow a tree that will yield fruit. Peach trees available to buy for the home grower are bred to be able to withstand our British climate, so a tree grown from a shop-bought peach that’s been grown in southern Europe may not be hardy enough to grow in the UK.
Even a tree raised from a peach grown in the UK may not come ‘true to type’ as it will have been bred to have certain characteristics that may not necessarily be passed on to the next generation, so you still may end up with a tree that isn’t hardy enough to grow in the UK or the fruit may not be as delicious as the fruit you grew your tree from.
However, growing a peach tree from a stone is still a worthwhile and fun project, and can result in an attractive tree that bears beautiful blossom each spring.